
Introducing holistic living principles that help students to balance career and character

There are five ‘holistic living’ principles while balancing subjective and objective aspects of life. 1. Integrating science & spirituality, self & society, peace & prosperity 2. Empowering Self a) self-analysis, self-assessment b) self-belief, self-behavior c) self-control, self-confidence d) self-discipline, self-determination e) self-esteem, self-effort 3. Developing ‘Yes’ attitude 4. Just for ‘today’ 5. Be aware ‘happy now here’.

In ancient India, in the beginning of career, curricula of the education system emphasized character building process through teaching of Shastra (spiritual knowledge) and Astra (healthcare) in first of the four ashram parathas i.e. bramhacharya, garhasha, banaprastha, sanyas. In modern era, career building curricula are basically set to earn a qualification in a competition based education system without imparting knowledge and application of human values.

Introducing moral or value education (character building) in the curricula in the beginning would definitely develop a decent human being, whereas competition gives rise to, ’rat race’, ‘self-centered’ and ‘survival is the fittest’ approach in life, while making a man as money earning machine.

In this electronic era, we have gathered much objective knowledge that is making us prosperous but simultaneously in the hustle and bustle of life, we are missing much peace, principles and purpose. Introducing holistic ideas in education system that nurture both subjective and objective aspects together is the need of the hour. Health care and hobby care should be encouraged among youth while time and value is to be assigned as per temperament and tendency of the student.

Psycho-emotional wellbeing/ resilience should be taken care of through holistic measure. Emphasizing only intellectual aspect in education system is creating imbalance in developing a contented human being failing to address stress and tension, challenges and uncertainties, personal and professional goal etc. and in turn society is experiencing increasingly anger, aggression, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, violence along with many other negative qualities.



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