Yoga and meditation is very efficacious for senior members to stay fit and healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Generally, we depend heavily on medication for taking care of old age diseases. Some chronic or life style diseases need lifelong medication and in turn produce side effects producing another disease. The mild form of Yoga and meditation exercises prepare the cellular environment conducive to self-healing and boost immunity power thus, there is less intervention of medication and life is happier and clear from frequent conflict with body and mind.
Simple form of yogic posture, pranayama and meditation techniques enhance the quality of living and encourage self-discipline bringing peace, silence and satisfaction. Holistic yog emphasizes holistic development or caring body, mind and soul together. Body is taken care of with regular life style and yogic postures, mind with breathing exercises, right reasoning and soul through meditation.
When philosophy and purpose of individual life is explored through yogic ideas of union of human consciousness with divine consciousness, on the process of living, a sense of satisfaction arises and practitioner lives with a balance of both disease and health, success and failure, pain and pleasure, panic and peace, stress and fresh etc. etc.
It is said that more than 60% of diseases are psychosomatic. The cause of the disease takes roots in the mind and afterwards get reflected in the body. So, stress and tension of the mind has to be addressed to bring mind in a relaxed and calm state that can be very effectively achieved through various yogic techniques such as pranayamas, progressive relaxation, yoga nidra, visualization, affirmation and meditation.