Modules (All online programs are conducted in Google Meet)

Yoga Style: Combined principles of Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga, Jnan Yoga, bhakti yoga and Dhyan Yoga.

# Book your Free “Holistic Living Session” before you go for paid session.

Module1. What you may learn in basic and advanced holistic yog (Fitness) Program

  • Prayer
  • Warming up exercise, 12 posture stretching exercise (surya namaskar)
  • 20 number psychophysical energization exercise
  •  5 positions asanas (20 or more)
  • Pranayama for beginners (balloon br, belly br, breast br, bellow br, balance br, bamboo br, brain br)
  • Meditation: General (sabda, sahaj, shanti, samay, swasthya dhyan), various guided meditation (mindful meditation is to be practiced in habitual activities)
  • Yoga nidra/ conscious relaxation with visual meditation
  • Transmission and gratitude
  • Interactive session or discussion to address general/ personal issues and concerns of life

# for weight reduction:- dynamic exercises, diet tips, determination boosting diligence, life style management, stress factor diagnosis etc. are taken into consideration.

In advanced “holistic living” program, One will learn more advanced exercises and ideas along with increased mental awareness while synchronizing action, reason, emotion, imagination and visualization coupled with individual seekers intention.

# He who asks a question may be a fool for a few minutes but who never asks will remain fool forev

Module 2. On line holistic yog program (Therapeutics)

Many chronic/ psychosomatic diseases like arthritis, spondylitis, colitis, constipation, gastritis, diabetes, migraine, hypertension, thyroid, asthma, obesity, low immunity etc. and other diagnosed stress related illnesses can be holistically cured/cared by practicing ‘holistic yog’.

It is said that ‘all healing is self healing’ means prana or life energy is the main ingredient without which diseases cannot be cured. In holistic yog therapeutics raising and balancing prana while improving overall immunity power is taken care of.

Physiotherapeutic principles, postures or asanas for specific diseases and counselling about purpose of life, role of individual physical and mental karma, habits, attitudes and sanskar etc. also takes mind into a new understanding to deal chronic disease and health process.

Physical rest and mental relaxation in case of anxiety about chronic diseases is utmost important to address the cure and care that can be achieved through holisticyog when individual starts paying interest and attention in adopting yogic attitude and action.

# One may sometimes sow the seeds of action in secret at night but cannot hide the harvest in broad day light.

Module 3. On line psycho-emotional counselling

Various psycho-emotional issues and concerns can be addressed effectively by holistic yog, guided meditation and counselling. Addiction, anxiety neurosis, panic/ fear psychosis, loneliness, frustration, depression, BPD, OCD, ADHD, unable to enjoy life and work, lacking peace, low self esteem, lacking confidence and decision making etc. can be handled through various psycho therapeutic techniques, yogasanas, pranayam, meditation, relaxation etc.

Relationship, health and career issues are more prominent in different parts of life.
As in relationship counselling, partner may or may not respond to one’s call but when an individual begin to work with himself or herself, its effect will be seen in relationship. Here holistic living principles plays key role.

# One cannot change or correct the past but can ruin a perfectly good present by worrying about future


Module 4. Spiritual Awakening

For very advanced practitioners those who have already practiced other forms of yoga can go through ‘holistic yog’, guided meditation and spiritual counselling for further spiritual growth and experience. A conditional spiritual retreat can be arranged for genuine truth seekers on donation basis.

God hardly helps human being whose hand (action) head (reason) and heart (emotion) are not harmonized.

Module 5. Learn and earn (teacher mode)

Those who wants to learn ‘holistic yog’ to teach others can also register and should have basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and practiced simple form of hatha yog

# A Guru/ teacher cannot teach any disciple/ student, s/he can only helps a willing student to learn.

Module 6. Off line workshop

1. In center, Yogananda Arogya Bhaban

2. Any volunteer or organisation wants to hold 7 days/10 days ‘holistic living’ workshop can contact and arrangement can be done from ‘hymn’.

# An ounce of practice is the most important factor for success than tons of theory or philosophy.

Module7. Physiotherapy in center

Treatment under physiotherapy is done in the center through electronic, electrical and mechanical machines like UST, SWD, IFT, Wax bath, Infra ray, stimulator, Cervical/ Lumber traction, Pulley-shoulder wheel-knee exerciser etc.


Each class Approx. 60 minutes 

  • Morning 5 a.m to 10 a.m in summer 6 a.m. to 11 a.m in winter
  • Evening 4 p.m to 8 p.m in summer 3 p.m to 7 p.m. in winter


  • 1. 7/10 days “Holistic Living” workshop (predetermined date and time)
  • 2. Once/ twice/thrice a week
  • 3.  Monthly

# Sunday on line satsang at 9 a.m  to 10 a.m free for any old participants and friends 

Remuneration : Rs. 1000/- +Reg. 100/- ( For 10 days ‘Holistic Living’ workshop)

 * Concession applies for couple, salaried class or student participants

# Remuneration amount may vary for type of groups, request or recommending person

Payment: Branch- SBI Kharagpur Technology; IFSC-SBIN0000202 Name- Tapas Kumar Maiti 

Acnt. No.-10224422221  Through Net Banking/ Google Pay/ Phone pay (9434056321)/ cash 

Donation to hymn trust


“Holistic yog management nest” is a registered trust under West Bengal Govt. No-IV-235/2010 that extend service to the society as an organizational social responsibility

1) Social:- It is providing stipends to low income selected students along with free yog session and counselling

2) Educational:- It is raising an awareness about holistic development through banners, booklets, ad in social media etc.

3) Medical:- It is giving free counselling to person concerned with chronic diseases/ terminating illnesses  and other selected services

Account Number:-  31506552844

Branch :- Sbi technology kharagpur

IFSC :- SBIN0000202


*50% Exemption on Donations to this Trust in income tax  

Aims and objectives of Holistic Yog Management Nest (HYMN)

  • Addressing chronic physical illnesses/ wellness, counselling psycho- emotional in-harmonies/ harmonies
    and sharing wisdom about spiritual ignorance/ illumination while maintaining holistic living/ life
  • Nurturing subjective (spirituality) approach/ ideas towards life in turn helping to achieve objective
    (social) fulfilment while synthesizing science and spirituality while understanding their commonality
  • Dissemination of holistic yog brand through booklets, satsang, virtual class/ workshop inside or outside
    center, social media activities like writing in yoga blog, facefook etc.
  • Providing monthly financial relief to low income selected students
  • Creating provision for residential spiritual retreat to deepen spiritual awareness

Infrastructure at HYMN

Yoga & Meditation hall, Physiotherapy room, Exercise room, Counselling room, Library room, Retreat facility (selected time and seeker).