
Is there a specific purpose of human life?

This question is asked by truth seekers and many others from the beginning since ages together. It is answered or explained from various angles.  

Famous Psychologist Maslow enumerates pyramidical hierarchy of needs, 1. basic physiological needs 2. safety needs 3. love and belongings need 4. self-esteem needs 5. self-actualization. 

In Hindu shastra it is said, there is three ever deepening evolutionary purpose that culminates in living several human lives together. First, physical/ sensual gratification or objective pleasure; second, removing sorrow and suffering thus moving into joyful living; third, moksha or liberation from birth-death cycle while blissful living. Many believes other worldly or heavenly happiness after death as per karmic fruit also. 

In another interpretation, it is explained as obtaining seven Sukhas that culminates to Mahasukh. Those are 1. su-sasthya 2. su-samparka 3. su-sampatti 4. su-santan 5. su-samman nara-nari 7. swadeshe basabaskari; and finally, mahasukh that is ‘samadhi’ experience. These can be further explained in objective and subjective/ holistic mode. 1. Su-sasthya is not only absence of physical disease but integrated wellbeing of physical-mental-emotional-social aspects of life. 2. Su-samparka that not only extol self-esteem but also includes amiable relationship in shanta-dasya-sakhya-batsalya-madhur, different types of bhabas  3. Su sampatti is not accumulation of just meterial property or prosperity but includes sat-sampatti I.e., sam-dam-tittiksa-uparati-sraddha-samadhan 4. Su-santan is not just good looking and lamp some earning ward rather disciplined and values inculcating human being 5. su-samman includes Self-respect or atma samman along with social respect etc. Etc. 

From another angle, purpose can be explained as roti-kapra-makan, sukh-sammriddhi-samman, shanti-swatantrata-samadhan, prem-ananda-nirban I.e., physical, mental-intellectual, emotional-soul and spiritual aspects of evolutionary objective to subjective fulfilment of human living. 

Finally, the purpose of human life can be said as purposeless purpose, or just living in the now and here mode while accepting or surrendering or witnessing and becoming aware of whatever is happening in life at perpetual present like blood circulating, breathing from birth to death. In this concept, all human beings and nature are participating in a cosmic drama, dream, play or game that is going on without any motive and we must return to the source of nameless, formless, changeless spiritual entity ultimately completing unevolutionary/ evolutionary cycle, or must discover the director essentially realizing self or experiencing essential spiritual/ cosmic unity within and without. 


Are we educating our children in present system?

Recently the Central Government has changed the education policy in which any student can opt or choose any subject from any stream. But the question is, are we just qualifying the students or educating them? It is said that no student can be taught unless s/he wants to learn, thus, a teacher cannot teach a student, s/he can help a student to learn. 

In the present education system, students of different IQ or intellectual capability must go through same syllabus and subjected to scoring and competing for qualifying themselves in earning high currency job. On the other hand, the education system should also provide character building, human values developing content that is to be inculcated rather imposed through value education theoretical curriculum. How to address these two conflicting approaches? 

First, there should be grade giving extra-curricular activities that are chosen from various disciplines by students such as sports (indoor and outdoor), arts (painting, acting or anything that is willingly chosen), instrumental or vocal music and silent non methodical meditation etc. 

Second, teaching procedure should include doubt clearing Q and A session daily rather examining at the end of semester. Students should be encouraged to develop a willingness to learn rather than be bombarded with lectures, topic after topic, while completing the syllabus. 

Third, there should be time to contemplate before and after the lecture to avoid last moment mugging up and vomiting in the examination. 

Fourth, teachers should give marks for the behavior of the students in which average marks can be added to prepare for final grade. 

Of course, there will be impediments in implementing these ideas in prevalent system, yet policy makers should widely discuss and debate to develop an integrated curricula that includes self-developmental process along with social or objective development.  


happy new year vs happy now here

we celebrate new year with party, picnic, pantry, pastry etc. Time bound mind get motivated by past experience or history and future expectation or imagination. Yearly once we commemorate the day in various religious-cultural calendar of the first day of the first month of a year and mostly forget its significance rest days of the year just as birthday and any other specific days like valentine day, father/mother day etc.
On the other hand, happy now here state that is a continuous reality of existence as we live now and here physically but mentally move here and there, in past and future. It is the deluded state of mind identifying with the objective world with its continuous natural change. When we will be able to silent the mind through meditation we will wisely access our consciousness that eternally exists without the concept of past and future in the mind. Most of the suffering of human being starts with the mind and end with the mind. Deidentifying with the mind with the time brings a state of mind that lives in present moment removing suffering with a conditioning and comparison. So let us merge or synthesize both concept of ‘happy new year’ , relativity and ‘happy now here’, reality, for most purposeful living.

freedom or independence day celebration

We are celebrating Independence Day every year. Why, just because we are able to protect our territory since British ruler has been uprooted and we can govern our country ourselves. Isn’t it? Or freedom is our birthright and we want to be free from anything that put obstacles in living our lives of our own wish and will. There are financial freedom, freedom of speech or expression, freedom of livelihood and learning and so on. We don’t want to be dependent to anything and anybody. Nobody should dictate or discipline us in our choice of independent living.
But in reality, we find we are mostly dependent to everything and everybody on the way of our self/ social livelihood. We become dependent to drug, doctor and diet on the way to a healthy living, dependent to police and politician to protect us, dependent to our dogmas and doctrines, conditioned to religious concept or ideas, and so on.
Actually, in true sense freedom is our essential nature. Freedom or swadhinata, means, swa adhinata or nija adhinata. It is freedom from our own mind, keeping or managing mind under our own conscious control. But mostly it is seen that we are living under stress, anxiety, tension, depression, delusion, frustration, ignorance, anger, greed, fear, uncontrolled desire, relationship issues and concerns and crazy about hoarding money due to insecurity and uncertainty and moreover dependency to many other abnormal or negative propensities of mind that put our lives in a critical bonded situation.
It is said that, our conscious mind works approximately 0 to 10 % according to dull or intelligent brain and a vast area beyond conscious (90% or more) perception is lying unconscious. Unconsciousness can be individual and collective. It can be below conscious perception that can be termed as subconscious or cosmic unconscious individually or collectively. Similarly, above conscious perception can be termed as super conscious or cosmic conscious individually or collectively.
Whatever conscious perception, thought and action is done again and again individually or collectively (socially) goes or buried to beyond conscious level or stays in unconscious state. Thus, unconscious area that is more than 90% in the form of habit, attitude, personality, destiny, sanskar etc. becomes more powerful and guides the conscious mind from behind. So unless one expands the conscious area or become aware of more unconscious part, true meaning of freedom cannot be explored. Through yoga and meditation one can become more and more conscious about unconsciousness and celebrate the real freedom or Independence Day.


science vs spirituality

Science has evolved much during past 3/4 centuries and invented many formulae that explain the inter-connectivity and interchange-ability of matter especially through the laws of conservation of mass and energy and within these changes or variable something is constant.
On the other hand, spirituality views matter and energy is the by product of consciousness that cannot be quantified or experimented in laboratory set up through delicate instrument. It is to be experienced by self within, while going beyond or arresting mental, intellectual and physical activities.
Science wants to explain universe or even spirituality, with its acquired knowledge since its inception through mechanistic model in which matter is the element of creation. It is searching God particle like thing, the basic construct, from which the universe or nature has come out or manifested.
Spirituality says, there is no two or more substances exist as such, everything or universal entirety is one entity within eternity whatever name or form is assumed as matter, energy, consciousness, God, Brahma, Deities, nature etc. Truth is divided into two parts, absolute truth and relative truth. In absolute truth, existence is void, still, invisible, unchangeable, beyond sensory or intellectual grasp and in relative truth concept; universe is visible, changing constantly and cyclically, marked with name and form, visible through sensory or delicate instruments.
Science is progressing with tremendous speed inventing new things or theories and creating more comforts and conveniences in human lives. At the same time, it is causing harm to nature in turn humanity beyond repair through its misuse, abuse or overuse in applying these laws.
Spirituality is slower in progress and is self transforming in the essential process of life. Moreover, science and spirituality are not two separate subjects as we generally understand. Science is objectively or outwardly developing and spirituality is subjective or inwardly moving in its discovery as far as intellectual understanding is concerned. All our knowledge, understanding and experience about life and universe is changing time to time through scientific, religious, philosophical or spiritual language, mathematical or intellectual. But one void entity beyond name and form, time and space is witnessing these changes, existing eternally while watching these visible and invisible cyclical change or movement.


Significance of Holistic living in modern age

Modern human existence is becoming more and more complex due to career competition, opportunity crisis, jealous comparison, poor compatibility and capability while fulfilling ambition, ego based relationship maladjustment, intolerance, impatience to obtain instant result, decreasing values and morality, judging-blaming-criticizing others without taking self responsibility, socioeconomic disparity, abrupt consumerism, stress-tension-frustration-depression etc. etc. and are producing negative conditioning in mind along with growing positive expectation.
Purpose of human joyful living is mostly lost due to imbalance in imbibing positive side of the same coin of life. Balance in professional life and personal life is somewhat crippled due to science and technological revolution in net and jet speed on one side and seemingly slow self/ spiritual evolutionary growth on other side. Modern curriculum is imparting education mostly to obtain quantity of currency and neglecting to induce quality of character. Therefore, we should care and create a holistic life style that will bring a synthesis between both inner subjective aspects (physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual) and outer objective aspects (social, moral, sexual, vocational, financial) of life.
A doctor or someone who knows smoking or drinking is injurious to health and one of the prime causes of cancer, advises patients not to smoke, sometimes get addicted. It shows that, unless we ourselves suffer from or go through the similar painful/ traumatized experiences, our objective knowledge or other’s experience is of little use as far as implementing noble ideas and principles in our own life is concerned. On the other hand, subjective knowledge and understanding can guide us appropriately according to our swabhab and swadharma i.e. temperament and tendency to acquire objective knowledge and activities that will satisfy us and explore our purpose of living.
Thus, as far as holistic living is concerned, self knowledge/self realization acquired through yogic or any other means to be nurtured for a balanced or holistic meaningful growth of human being. Here ‘holistic living’ principles might play a significant role. There are five holistic living principles 1) bringing a balance between science and spirituality, self and society, peace and prosperity 2) abcde of self development, a-self analysis/ assessment b-self belief/ behavior c- self confidence/ control d- self discipline/ determination, e- self effort/ esteem 3) developing ‘yes’ attitude 4) Implementing ‘just for today’ theme 5) becoming aware ‘happy now here’ state of mind


life and its struggle

It is said that life is a struggle for joy. To deal with all the difficulties, discipline, diseases and delusion one has to diligently deliver. Desire does not stop as par fulfilling need and necessity of livelihood that is done with dedicated effort. But the nature of mind is such that it constantly fuel the fire of desire to satisfy the ego till it suffer sufficiently or feel the uselessness of running or struggling after never ending desire that does not bring contentment, peace, satisfaction we are seeking eventually.

At times, we start doubting, debating and discussing about the real purpose of life. And sometimes the real struggle begins towards seeking subjective satisfaction or fulfillment. Many times it so happen, that we cannot cling to our courageous effort to undertake spiritual journey. In the beginning, there might be many pitfalls, bumps, ditches and sharp bend. When one persistently and patiently participate in the process of life, one can find, where there seems little or no hope or experiencing fear seeing from far, while really reaching at the end of the road, one discover there is a bend in the road and option open up.

As life is a continuous journey and struggle for joy, as far as holistic ideas are concerned, nothing should be taken seriously even sometimes one feel lowly or defeated. Our life is just river like, while facing obstacle, changing the course of direction and finally dissolves in the ocean. Thus, One should not get attached or identified to particular state of mind, habit, attitude or personality that can be changed if required through self effort/ struggle.
Failure is the pillar of success. After night ends, day starts. Same current or electricity flows in negative and positive wire equally. If magnet is broken into two pieces, one pole cannot be separated and both poles will be formed. With these entire analogical examples we know, by experience, life also undergoes these types of dual or combined and cyclic phenomenon. Thus, one should accept and appreciate, forgive and forget while understanding this life’s secret that negative aspect is the part and parcel of positive aspect.

Struggle ends with understanding this reality but it is always easier said than actually done in individual life. Through practicing holisticyog and holistic living principles one can raise the awareness level to absorb this truth.


what are the medical benefits of holisticyog and how it works on body and mind?

In one of the survey in, what are the benefits of yoga, it is stated that 90% or more people practice yoga for wellness or physical fitness reason. And now medical science is admitting that more than 60% diseases are not physical alone, rather psychosomatic one i.e. the cause of most of the physical diseases is psyche or mind. Thus, as yoga is also used to address stress of mind, it curbs or cures physical disease from deeper root. It also deals diseases being nipped in the bud before it manifest while enhancing immunity power, inducing healthy vital organs and introducing self discipline in life style, while keeping mind joyful and peaceful.
In holisticyog as body-mind-soul is addressed in a balanced manner thus, psychosomatic illnesses are taken care of in a holistic sense. It has many physical, mental as well as spiritual benefit including Increased flexibility for free flow of blood and nervous energy, enhancing muscle strength, promoting better pattern of breathing, supporting cardio vascular health, reducing chronic pain, managing stress, anxiety, depression etc. controlling quality of sleep, improving quality of life and overall well being and finally experiencing self/ soul realization/ illumination.
In holisticyog there is warming up exercise, asanas, pranayama, meditation, relaxation and understanding about mind’s propensities have a well being effect on body, mind and consciousness simultaneously as per participant’s intention, interest and intensity of practice.
It is said that all types of healing basically is self healing. The prana or life energy is responsible for healing. When prana is raised preserved and balanced then healing happens at its own in natural process. As we know rest is the best medicine, thus, through holisticyog practice rest and relaxation becomes effective and healing or curing diseases is possible without drug or even healing get accelerated even with drug or any kind of medicine.

CategoriesCompany Insight

what is holisticyog and why it is named holisticyog instead of yoga

Holisticyog is a combined practice of posture, pranayama and peace producing technique where body, mind and consciousness are being nurtured in a balanced way. It is said that, in ancient era i.e. Satya yuga, there were barna (bramhan-ksatriya-baisya-sudra) and ashram (bramhacharjya-garhasthya-banprasthya-sanyas) kind of social system, where student was sent to gurugriha or tole to learn self knowledge first and then they used to learn other kind of professional knowledge or other art of livelihood. In that process, many students became sages and saints who got enlightened or became self/soul realized.
The name was ‘yogaha’ as in India Sanskrit language was prevalent that time. In modern time through western route the word ‘yogaha’ has become ‘yoga’ and in recent time or in past decade it is popularised as a physical-mental-emotional fitness producing tool.
The concept or idea as, ‘yogaha karmasu kousalam’, in body level through various postures was practiced for physical fitness or well being, as modern games and sports were not invented or played that time. And ‘yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha’ in mind level was practiced to keep mind calm through pranayama or breath control and ‘samattwam yogaha uchchate” in soul level, through meditation or self contemplation was applied to bring wisdom or self knowledge for awakening deeper consciousness/ awareness. In holisticyog these three principles are applied holistically.
Slowly various branches or different methods came out with different name emphasizing the purpose for which one is undertaking the particular yogic method. The main four yoga is named as karma yoga, raj yoga, jnan yoga and bhakti yoga. Holisticyog is named while combining the principles of these yogas to achieve the goal or purpose for which it is practiced. There are many other names evolved as hatha yoga, sahaj yoga, kundalini yoga, kriya yoga, tantra yoga, mantra yoga, shib yoga, and so on while modifying basic forms of yoga and emphasizing particular aspect (physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, sexual etc.) of human life to develop.
There are various styles have been developed by various Gurus or Yoga teachers such as Iyangar yoga, restorative yoga, prenatal yoga, yin yoga, Sivananda yoga, power yoga, Kripalu yoga, Bikram yoga, astanga yoga etc. etc.