Modern human existence is becoming more and more complex due to career competition, opportunity crisis, jealous comparison, poor compatibility and capability while fulfilling ambition, ego based relationship maladjustment, intolerance, impatience to obtain instant result, decreasing values and morality, judging-blaming-criticizing others without taking self responsibility, socioeconomic disparity, abrupt consumerism, stress-tension-frustration-depression etc. etc. and are producing negative conditioning in mind along with growing positive expectation.
Purpose of human joyful living is mostly lost due to imbalance in imbibing positive side of the same coin of life. Balance in professional life and personal life is somewhat crippled due to science and technological revolution in net and jet speed on one side and seemingly slow self/ spiritual evolutionary growth on other side. Modern curriculum is imparting education mostly to obtain quantity of currency and neglecting to induce quality of character. Therefore, we should care and create a holistic life style that will bring a synthesis between both inner subjective aspects (physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual) and outer objective aspects (social, moral, sexual, vocational, financial) of life.
A doctor or someone who knows smoking or drinking is injurious to health and one of the prime causes of cancer, advises patients not to smoke, sometimes get addicted. It shows that, unless we ourselves suffer from or go through the similar painful/ traumatized experiences, our objective knowledge or other’s experience is of little use as far as implementing noble ideas and principles in our own life is concerned. On the other hand, subjective knowledge and understanding can guide us appropriately according to our swabhab and swadharma i.e. temperament and tendency to acquire objective knowledge and activities that will satisfy us and explore our purpose of living.
Thus, as far as holistic living is concerned, self knowledge/self realization acquired through yogic or any other means to be nurtured for a balanced or holistic meaningful growth of human being. Here ‘holistic living’ principles might play a significant role. There are five holistic living principles 1) bringing a balance between science and spirituality, self and society, peace and prosperity 2) abcde of self development, a-self analysis/ assessment b-self belief/ behavior c- self confidence/ control d- self discipline/ determination, e- self effort/ esteem 3) developing ‘yes’ attitude 4) Implementing ‘just for today’ theme 5) becoming aware ‘happy now here’ state of mind